Frequently Asked Questions

How come your content is free to the public?

Being a bridge between science and our main goal and service that we are proud ofSo, we made Science Featured available for free of charge. Instead, we rely on processing fees (US$395 for invited papers, $595 for self nominated papers) from scientists that we work with.

Are there specific criteria for the researchers with whom you collaborate?

We collaborate with scientists at every level of their careers. We believe it is critical to present a balanced picture of the research community.

Science Feature is highly selective; invited articles account for less than 0.1 percent of the monthly published literature. Selection criteria are (i) the expertise of the authors, (ii) how the paper proves the evidence to the reader, (iii) unique argument or insight of the work, (iv) effects to the reader's perspective and make them understand how to apply real situations in their life.

Is it possible for me to approve final version my article?

Our editorial process includes multiple approval stages to ensure that each researcher we collaborate with is satisfied with our work. That being said, we never publish an article without the researcher's final approval.

Do I have the right to include other researchers in my work?

We recognize and value the importance of collaborative research efforts. You can add any of your co-authors of the scientific paper in the feature.

What is the benefit of your paper being featured?

Having your paper featured on our platform amplifies its visibility among a diverse audience, including researchers, educators, and the general public, which can lead to increased citations and recognition within your field. It also supports open access to scientific knowledge, fostering broader educational impact and facilitating collaboration across disciplines.

Is Science Featured a peer-reviewed journal?

No, we are a beautiful combination between traditional news organizations and peer-reviewed journals. Although the vast majority of the work we publish has been peer-reviewed, we are not a peer-reviewed journal. Additionally, we are not a traditional magazine or newspaper. We are not here to criticize the work of researchers; instead, we want to assist them in making it more accessible to the general public. As a result, the researchers with whom we collaborate have input at every stage of the process and final approval of their article. This is critical because it ensures that the articles you read accurately describe the work.

Is Science Featured a predatory journal?

No, Science Featured is not a predatory journal, and not a traditional scientific journal. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting scientific research and innovation by featuring articles and research summaries. Unlike traditional scientific journals, we do not have a peer-review process and do not publish original research. Instead, our focus is on highlighting and disseminating valuable scientific findings to a broader audience.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between the scientific community and the public, ensuring that important scientific advancements receive the recognition they deserve. Authors are charged a nomination fee to feature their articles, which helps us sustain our operations and continue our work in promoting science.

Do the researchers with whom you collaborate pay you for the service?

In fact, proudly operated under the umbrella of Science Bridges, is a Canadian non-profit corporation, we'd love to provide our services for free, but to do so, we'd have to pass the cost on to our readers or monetize our website and publications. As an organization dedicated to barrier-free research communication, this is something we have vowed never to do. The processing fee (US$395 for invited papers, US$595 for self nominated papers) covers all aspects of editorial work and writing news stories, copy editing, reviewing, and circulating your work online. We believe we provide excellent value and valuable service to these researchers.

Who is behind the operations and strategic direction of Science Featured?

Science Featured, an initiative under Science Bridges, a Canadian non-profit, aims to democratize access to scientific research. It's supported by a worldwide scientific advisory board of distinguished university professors, ensuring high-quality, diverse content. This collaboration between Science Bridges and an international network of scholars guarantees that Science Featured offers authoritative open-access articles across various scientific disciplines, aligned with our mission to freely disseminate scientific knowledge.
For more details, you can visit Science Bridges.

How can I subscribe?

Easy and free! Enter your email address in the sidebar or the section at the end of every page, and we'll keep you informed of featured papers. We promise we will not spam and will not share your email address with a third party.

How much of my time will working with you require?

We are well aware of the time constraints faced by researchers! As a result, we request as little time as possible from you. You will decide how long and when you will spend your time for contributing, and even with less than 30 minutes and a maximum of 2 hours, you can finalize all processes.

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