Complement proteins play a vital role in our immune system, helping our bodies fend off infections. However, the precise way these proteins interact with specific cell receptors has long been a subject of scientific intrigue. New research sheds light on how complement proteins bind to CR2 isoforms, potentially paving the way for advancements in treating immune-related diseases.
Recent research has illuminated fascinating insights into the interactions between complement protein pairs and CR2 isoforms. This study, conducted by Giuseppe Barile from the Istituto Tecnologie Biomediche, CNR, Italy, delves into the complex biochemical mechanisms governing these interactions. The work is published in the Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports journal.
Complement receptor type 2 (CR2), also known as CD21, is a crucial trans-membrane glycoprotein predominantly expressed on B cells. CR2 serves as the receptor for C3d, a fragment of the complement component C3, which plays a significant role in immune responses. The research highlights that Raji cells, a CR2-positive cell line, can bind both endogenous and exogenous forms of i-C3, resulting in the formation of heterodimers linked via thioester bonds. These findings have profound implications for understanding immune cell activation and pathogen interactions.
Giuseppe Barile explains, “Our study shows that the fixation of i-C3 to CR2 involves intricate mechanisms that are influenced by the hydrophobic properties of specific aromatic residues present in the C3c structure of i-C3”.
Barile used a series of binding studies and immunoblotting techniques to uncover how different cleavage mechanisms can be significantly influenced by the presence of specific monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) such as OKB7 and HB5.
The study discovered that Raji cells not only bind exogenous i-C3 but also synthesize a C3-like protein internally, which Barile refers to as e-C3. This protein, with some characteristics similar to those of i-C3, is essential for the immune functions of cells and is involved in the formation of complex structures with CR2, potentially playing a role in autocrine signaling.
Interestingly, the study also highlighted the role of low molecular weight molecules in these interactions. “These molecules appear to bind strongly the immune complex units via thioester, conferring an apparent stability to the CR2-C3 complexes”. “It is likely that immune complexes cross-linked via multiple binding sites (at least three) by specific Abs (or Abs complexes) may suffer cracks in their structures allowing the entry of H2O which hydrolyzes the thioesters. As a result, the surface tumor antigen is no longer coated and can therefore be recognized by the immune system which can physically kill the tumor cell. A similar mechanism should therefore underlie the therapeutic success of immunotherapy in some tumors.”
“Our findings suggest that the hydrophobicity of certain residues in C3c is necessary for the fixation of i-C3 to CR2,” notes Barile. “This could pave the way for new therapeutic strategies targeting these interactions in immune-related diseases.”
The implications of these findings are significant. By understanding the molecular details of how CR2 interacts with complement proteins, researchers can better appreciate the underlying mechanisms of immune cell activation and regulation. This knowledge is essential for developing targeted therapies for autoimmune diseases and improving immune response against infections.
Barile employed advanced techniques such as SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting to visualize the interactions between CR2 and C3 fragments. His meticulous approach allowed him to identify specific protein bands corresponding to these interactions, further elucidating the structural aspects of the CR2-C3 complexes.
In summary, the research by Giuseppe Barile provides critical insights into the biochemical interactions between CR2 and complement proteins. His work underscores the importance of specific molecular characteristics in these interactions and opens up new avenues for therapeutic intervention in immune-related disorders.
Journal Reference
Barile, G. (2024). “The fixation of complement protein pairs to CR2 isoforms.” Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 38, 101657. DOI:
About the Author
Giuseppe Barile was born on 23 August 1946 in Cercemaggiore, Molise, Italy, he graduated in Biological Sciences in 1971. A recipient of a CNR scholarship in 1973, he begam research in estrogen and progestin receptors, later expanding his focus to Virology and Immunology from 1982. Visiting Researcher at the Laboratory of Hormonal Biochemistry, ICRF, London, Director Dr. J.R.B. King and the Department of Radiobiology, Stockholm University, Director Dr. Gunnar Ähnstrom. Awarded a scholarship from Airc (Sep.1983/Ag.84), he took study leave to explore the Dept. of Immunology at the Hospital S. Justine, Montreal, Canada, guided by Dr. J. Menezes. He contributed, together with other researchers to the drafting of 37 works published in scientific journals. In 2009, he retired as Dirigente di Ricerca at ITBM, CNR, concluding a distinguished career.